Idris Elba to Relocate to Africa to Boost Local Film Industry


October 24, 2024

London-born actor Idris Elba, who has Ghanaian and Sierra Leonean roots, recently expressed his commitment to enhancing Africa’s film industry during an event in Ghana. Elba revealed plans to establish film studios in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and Accra, Ghana, as part of his long-term vision to strengthen local filmmaking.

ā€œI would certainly consider settling down here; not even consider, itā€™s going to happen, I think Iā€™ll move in the next five, 10 years, God willing. Iā€™m here to bolster the film industry ā€“ that is a 10-year process ā€“ I wonā€™t be able to do that from overseas. I need to be in-country, on the continent,ā€ Elba stated.

The actor also shared his excitement about playing the role of Okonkwo in a TV series adaptation of Chinua Achebeā€™s Things Fall Apart, which sparked interest and concern among Nigerians. Despite this, Elba reiterated his dedication to using his influence to uplift Africa’s film industry.

ā€œIā€™m going to live in Accra, Iā€™m going to live in Freetown, Sierra Leoneā€™s capital, Iā€™m going to live in Zanzibar. Iā€™m going to try and go where theyā€™re telling stories ā€“ thatā€™s really important,ā€ he added, emphasizing the need to avoid settling in just one location.

Elba also highlighted the importance of reshaping global perceptions of Africa, which are often centered around trauma and negative history. ā€œIf you watch any film or anything that has got to do with Africa, all youā€™re going to see is trauma…when you come to Africa, you will realise that itā€™s not true. So, itā€™s really important that we own those stories of our tradition, of our culture, of our languages…The world doesnā€™t know that,ā€ he concluded.