Nicki Minaj’s Record Label Signs Ghanian Artiste Nana Fofie, 4 Others


March 6, 2023

Nicki Minaj is ready to put her foot on the music industry’s neck once again. 2022 saw her begin an impressive comeback to the rap game, and this New Music Friday (March 4), she dropped off her first single of the year, “Red Ruby Da Sleeze,” much to fans’ pleasure.

Nicki revealed in the latest episode of her Queen Radio podcast but didn’t reveal the name of the label. She said her first four signees include Nana Fofie, Tate Kobang, Rico Danna, and London Hill.

Tate Kobang is a producer who helped make the hit ‘Virgos Grove’ for Beyonce on her ‘Renaissance’ album.

Rico Dana and London Hill are both rap artistes while Nana Fofie is the only African singer signed to the label.

The newly signed artistes took to social media to celebrate their new milestone.