‘’There’s more to the feud between AY and Basketmouth’’ – Julius Agwu reveals


April 18, 2023

Veteran comedian, Julius Agwu has waded into the ongoing rift between his colleagues AY and Basketmouth.

The feud between AY and Basketmouth has been making headlines for some time, with AY claiming that it started over unpaid fees for a show he anchored for Basketmouth. Basketmouth has, however, denied the allegations, describing AY’s account of the incident as “lies.” He also claimed that they were never friends in the first place.

During an interview on Naija FM, Agwu shared his thoughts on the situation, suggesting that there may be more to the feud than just the payment dispute. He implied that there may be other reasons why Basketmouth is angry with AY, but he hasn’t made them clear yet.

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Agwu also discussed his long-running Easter show, “Laugh for Christ Sake,” claiming that he had been running the event every Easter Sunday for years before AY started promoting his own event. Agwu even claimed that he had called AY to inform him that the day he had chosen for his show was already booked for his event, but AY allegedly hung up on him.

“When you talk about some certain things like ‘Laugh for Christ Sake,’ you know say I don start am since,” Agwu said. “It was even celebrated every Easter Sunday before AY begin do promo say e dey do one show. I call AY dey talk to am say that day is my day, AY cut phone for my neck.”

As the feud between AY and Basketmouth continues to dominate headlines, it remains to be seen if the two comedians will be able to resolve their differences and move forward. However, with Agwu’s comments adding a new dimension to the story, it’s clear that there is more to this feud than what meets the eye.